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Release Notes
07-06-2024 Arch Caves 6!

Arch Caves 6!

Over the course of the last month the scientists at Rima University have studied anomalies that have appeared throughout the Syrnian world. The community has come together to help with the investigation in many ways. We’ve looked into a strange meteorite landing in the Outlands, and discovered strange new ores. We’ve helped defend the lands from stronger monsters than we’ve seen before and claimed never seen before loot. Finally we’ve been able to work together to create a gate through to a deeper cave system.

Arch caves 6 will contain stronger monsters, new ores and more things to be discovered!

We hope you enjoy the new content.

The Syrnia Dev Team

09-02-2024 Welcome to the Public Test Realm!

Welcome to the Public Test Realm!

Today we would like to discuss the Public Test Realm(PTR), what it is and how it will be used. First of all, for those who dont know what a PTR is - it is a clone of the game, in a complete sandbox environment (nothing you do will affect your live character in any way).


The PTR is the culmination of a years effort of rewriting the underlying code and is based off new software and hardware. The first goal of the PTR is to test the re-write, to make sure the game is acting the same as live. We are looking for anything that is behaving different to the live game.


PTRs are used to get widespread testing before bug fixes and features are rolled out to the production environment. So what are we asking for? Simply play the game and report any issues, bugs or problems alongside the dev team as we aim to fix the problems.

This is not a suggestion environment, we will not be looking to change things, add things or develop new content on the PTR, we know many may be excited to share ideas and see the game grow but the sole purpose is to have the PTR fit for purpose and bug free to the best of our abilities.

So with that said we look at the where and when.


So the login will be the same as your syrnia username and password, as normal please do not share this information with anyone, and to log in to the PTR simply go to the link below.



The PTR will be open from today and will remain open as a way of testing all future updates.

So i've found a bug, what do I do?

Great! Thank you for helping test the rewrite. Please submit it under the PTR Forums -> Bug Reports. We will review everything and endeavour to fix them as soon as possible!

Known Issues:

  • Avatars missing / outdated
  • Old chat logs (history) missing
  • Donating will not work - please do not try

We thank everyone for their patience and assistance, we look forward to 2024 and beyond alongside everyone.

The Dev Team

05-07-2023 New Features July 2023

New features July 2023!

Today, we are starting the release of a few various QOL updates coming into Syrnia.

These features include the following, which will be added over the coming days as we test and fix any issues or concerns created from launching these features

1. Pirate Donation Progression Bar 2. Quest Hint Toggle - Accessibility Change 3. New Stats Features - Hourly/Weekly gains

Pirate donation progression bar
A QOL feature, pirates will now see the progression towards maxing out donation rewards per invasion. It is no secret that there is a cap pirates will reach when it comes to the rewards from donating and working the Stockhouse. Now pirates should be able to donate comfortably without going over their reward cap.

Quest Hint Toggle
A QOL change we felt was better to add as we know when using mobile, it can be impossible to highlight the quest hint function. We have altered this to now work on touch or click, depending on if you use a mobile device or a Personal computer/laptop. This will allow players to access the quest hints easier.

New stats Features
A QOL I am sure many of you are excited about this one. This is an addition to the player's stat pages that will now display exp/hr and weekly exp gained. We know Tlgrounds has been around for a long time, but sometimes we just want the convenience of stuff being there in the game for us to see and use. and we believe having this feature in the game helps out a lot of players especially those using mobile devices or who can not look away from the screen for too long.

We hope you enjoy the new features from us here at the dev team.

18-04-2023 New Donation Features April 2023

New Donation Feature!

Today we are releasing a new donation feature. this option will allow players to visibly see important information regarding the game.

These features may expand in the future but for now will detail the status of Thabis, Grotto tides, Mt Flag and Holiday Island.

When purchasing the option the box will appear on the right hand side of the screen under the map. you will notice a little drop down box icon you can click which will display the information and if you click it again it will hide it again. We hope you enjoy this feature

We hope you enjoy the new feature, from us here at the dev team.

24-12-2022 Voting update 2022

Lets start a vote!

Hello everyone we are very very proud to release this update, we are of course talking about the remodel of the voting system.

There are some changes with the system for voting and will be released with 7 voting links. The main aim was to reward players for helping Syrnia possibly grow again and we are aiming to do that in 2023 and with the addition of the voting upgrade. We have kept the lovable Green gifts but offered substantial rewards higher up that will require a bit more saving to acquire but we hope this is a positive step for voting and bringing some fresh new faces to Syrnia.

We would like to stress there is a small delay coded when receiving crystals this is intended and we ask you do not panic when voting as they will be added to the inventory in due course.

We hope you enjoy the voting system from us here at the dev team.


Merry Christmas everyone

Winter time is a fun time!

As many of you might have experienced we have a new holiday addition! The new holiday is called Winter time.
Various changes in the game will happen when it's winter time in syrnia such as being able to create your very own Wooden sleds as well as finding various items all around syrnia.

The items in question are subject to change each year and the winter time effects and changes might be changed in the future to run for longer periods of time instead of only 15 days.

Wooden sleds can be created by selecting the option in the construction menu and they cost 500 wood.
When it's winter time in syrnia your Wooden sleds will give a 10% timer reduction for speed bonuse effects.
When it's no longer winter or Christmas then the speed bonus will be cut in half, so only 5% after christmas.
The durability on the item will also be drastically reduced since we don't believe this item should be used year round as it's more of a seasonal gift.

Winters eggs have dropped for this years introduction of Winter time and they have 4 brand new pets inside!
Who knows what will happen or how long they will take to grow up? Keep them warm and safe!

2 brand new items have been added to the santas workshop at tinsel town.
These items are called orange pomanders and paper lantern. Although they do not have a use we thought they would be a nice reminder of old traditions for the winters around the world. If you know the uses and reasons these items were added then you get some extra cool kid points in our books!

As a fun little side perk a new item was added to the 'turn in dolls' gathering job on christmas island. It would seem you may not always find a cute little Teddybear? I wonder what that could be?

Once again we would like to thank everyone who has helped to make syrnia such a fun place to come and explore.
Also as a last word we may soon get another Christmas gift special from the Dev team? I wonder what it will be?

12-12-2022 Adjustments to Woodcutting

Chopping away the issues!

Since the release of the Tirnus Cave - West Cavern there has been talks about certain unbalancing issues regarding the woodcutting skill. This has been a discussion for some time but today we are happy to report that we have made adjustments to the higher end woodcutting locations.

Firstly we have adjusted ratios across the board when it comes to plateau, we are confident in the numbers and believe that this will bring Plateau a lot closer to our original vision.

With the adjustments to Plateau this does means we had to do a bit of tweaking around Khaya and Ammon as well. Such as bringing Khaya back into the fold with some adjustments of its own in regards to exp and seed drops. Ammon is virtually the same just with the tweaks to Khaya we had to make sure that Ammon was still the better location and adjusted little things to make sure it still scales above Khaya overall when progressing the skill.

24-12-2021 Merry Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas!

New Items?

This year, there will be a few toys you can gather, along with a new pie to cook! The Celebration Captain has returned, so you can thieve his pockets dry once again.
We won't waste time spoiling all the fun stuff in the news post. Just know that there are many things to do!

Mini Quests?

At almost all the locations for Christmas, we have added a few mini-quests. For these mini-quests, players can turn in some of their old holiday items for a few rewards, as well as some experience. Giving a little bit of value to old items that players have waaay too many of is something we thought a lot of you would enjoy.

Sign the guest book?

If you've noticed the guest book at Celebration Harbour, then you might still be wondering what that is. It appears that you can now sign it for the Christmas season! We won't spoil its true purpose, but we hope you enjoy it when you finally unlock all the holidays of Syrnia!

Big thanks!

The game staff would like to thank all of the players for all their hard work this year--not only with helping the staff and game but with each other as well. This hasn't been a great year for many, and we have taken notice of how wonderful the community has been. It's a very supportive and warm thing to witness, and you should all be proud. This is the end of 2021, and there's nothing but fun and adventure ahead of us. Thank you all for the fun!

Game staff-

29-10-2021 Halloween

Happy Halloween


Once upon a time, Party Island was open for more than just Christmas. The party continued on Halloween as well, where you could help a sad skeleton collect new body parts to feel whole again. Upon doing so, he would reward you with a nice prize, among which were the Koban masks. We've decided to give a throwback to those special times, along with a few new surprises.

Also, we would like to give our never-ending thanks and a tip of our collective hat to a player named Marley. The main reason this island was created has everything to do with her. Although she isn't here today to see it for herself, it was her concept, finally implemented. This is her legacy here in Syrnia, and it will last forever alongside our memories of her.

 New things to do?

You can reach the new island by sailing from Port Senyn, Burning Beach, Eylsian Docks, or Crabs Nest. The special thing about this new island? It will be open on every Syrnia holiday, including Syrnia's birthday! There are, of course, new things--as well as some old favorites--but spoiling the fun in the news section isn't something we are fond of doing, so we'll let you explore and figure out the goods yourself!

 Changes, and why?

The Trick or Treat option at Castle rose has been removed, along with the option at Kanzo.

We are aware that some players don't like to leave their islands to travel across the game, but we have made sure to add sailing ports so you can reach the island from many different places.

The Speed bonuses for ALL NPC suit items have been buffed to be the best-in-slot Speed items during their respective holidays. For example, the entire Witch NPC suit will now grant Speed bonuses equal to the Egg Thief suit. However, when it's not a suit's specific holiday, then the suit's speed bonus will be reduced back down to slightly less than the Anasco suit's abilities. This means all players who have 1-35 Speed now have a full Speed suit they can wear to help them train the skill.

We all have a new place in which to celebrate other than just on Christmas! Thank you to all who are still around after all these years, and we hope you enjoy the new island. Have a happy Halloween!

09-07-2021 Tirnus, Tools and Terror

Tirnus, Tools and Terror

Tirnus Cave Expansion

Alright folks, put on your fedoras, bring your best exploration gear and get ready to explore the new expansion to the Tirnus cave! For many months, miners and builders have been working hard after identifying what appeared to be a small side cavern hidden away and trying to stabilise the cave roof. Well, after ages excavating turns out it's not a small cavern after all, it's an entire network!

We can now confirm the release of the long planned Tirnus Expansion. As part of what has been discovered, within the new areas are a new woodcutting location with seeds galore and a new rockpool fishing spot within the dark twisting caverns. Due to the natural ebb and flow the waters aren't always suitable for fishing all the time so plan accordingly. While down there, you may come across a large hulking figure that really does pack a punch! Don't worry about them. You'll be fine as long as you don't disturb them. Probably.

Please note, there were a few scary tales told from the miners of cackling, roaring and various other rather eerie sounds coming from those caves. Best be prepared and armed before you risk exploring the Tirnus Caves otherwise you might not come back alive. You have been warned.

Boss Banter

In addition to the Tirnus release, we are deploying a few changes to some of the bosses again. No, the stats are not being changed, yes they are staying as they are. After several requests however, to aide in the organisation of fights and all that, a new chat channel is going to be added to the game, channel 7, so you can all talk bosses in there if you like. It is a public facing chat channel and is not region specific. It can be disabled through the options if you aren't interested in reading anything in there and please note that given it counts as a public channel, all usual rules of moderation continue to apply, so behave!

Won't get bored of Borealum!

Finally, a new class of equipment is being added, Borealum. Sitting roughly between Obsidian and Puranium in terms of its stats but with improved durability, this class of equipment will be acquired using items called Warrior Tokens and Insignia. You may recognise the appearance of some of these items from back in April...

Anyway here's a little teaser of two of the new pieces of the new equipment:

A Borealum Hood A Borealum Tunic

The Tokens and Insignia will be added to boss loot pools in due course for all current and future bosses apart from Emma. These rewards will be based on the level of the Boss. Eventually players will be able to use these items to acquire the new tier of equipment. We are not going to give away the specifics of what is involved at this time but we can confirm that a player's magical abilities will be required.

Once again, we'd like to thank the players who were involved in the playtesting of this content and are grateful for their feedback during development. You know who you are of course. And with that, happy spelunking!

09-04-2021 Every Cloud(flare) has a silver lining

Every Cloud(flare) has a silver lining

It hasn't escaped the attention of Syrnia staff that players are experiencing problems with the delivery service Cloudflare, a provider that we utilise as part of some protection. In particular we refer to difficulty players have reported establishing connections to the game.

The team is working with the provider and we are exploring a number of possible solutions and looking to run a series of tests and configuration changes over the next few days. During this time, players may experience increased disruption to their connection to Syrnia.

We cannot guarantee that these tests will be successful in resolving this issue however even if not it will allow us to gather further information to help us look into it further.

We appreciate the community's patience in this matter while this is still being looked into and will update players as necessary.

02-04-2021 Alright back to work!

Alright, back to work!

Well, we've no idea what that post yesterday was about, quite mad it must be said. This is the last time we let Borneo near the news to post ideas, *phew* they are just scary!

We can confirm there are no plans to implement a new premium currency, the S-Coin. They don't exist, nobody has any of them, they were never dropped, added or anything and we've no plans to implement microtransactions or similar. So you can all continue to work with squirrels and the like as normal.

Oh and we did also manage to clear up all those very slippery crowns that nobody could pick up which ended up everywhere for some of yesterday. We just used a big magnet instead to collect them all. I don't think any coins went missing from players inventories with it while we used it so we should be fine although we seemed to pick up and break some rather ugly, tasteless iron lawn ornaments from someones house. Probably one of the moderators...whoops.

We'd like to thank the community for being good sports with it all for the little amusements and playing along but alas, normality must be restored. Carry on!

01-04-2021 There ain't no party like an S-Coin Party

There ain't no party like an S-Coin Party

Greetings, we are announcing today plans to phase out the Scroll and Rare drop mechanic introduced several months ago. We have listened to your feedback and feel that the content isn't quite where we anticipated it to be. So we have decided to Say Goodbye to scrolls and will release a replacement in the coming weeks. Today we are announcing the introduction of a new currency and finally confirming what Skill 17 is.

("Ooooh! The excitement!")

Folks, hold onto your hats as we introduce:

The S-Coin!


This new currency will be added to the UI in the next few weeks and will replace all rare drops including existing ones like Squirrels, Scrolls, Clovers or anything else in our rare drops tables. Players will instead be acquiring a small amount of these S-Coins from those sources. You'll be happy to know that the chances of getting S-Coins are better than expected, not as low as say Two in a Million. They will also be available through the "Support Syrnia" donation options or can be created through the eagerly awaited new skill. We are now in a position to be able to confirm details, the new skill, the 17th added to Syrnia will be...:

S-Coin Minting!

We're taking inspiration from modern life for this and current global trends with this one. Reach for the top of the chart if you can and Don't stop movin up the leaderboards of this whole new skill. Players will be able to mint the new S-Coins from various items in the game world at specifically designated sites across the map. By taking raw ores, wood or some types of food produce, players will be able to convert their resources magically in different ratios into S-Coins, earning a small amount of coins and gaining a little bit of XP in the process. Obviously different resources will contribute more towards it, so fishing won't really be worth a lot nor will mining but if you have lots of wood that'll do really well! We are still reviewing the numbers and are not releasing specifics yet. Please note that this process will take some time so players will, similar to farming, need to set the minting process going and come back to it in a few days to reap the rewards!

Now some of you are wondering what you can then do with these coins that we have been telling you how to get? The possibilities are endless! We had so many we had to Bring it all Back under control! (At least they are on our dev notes)

At the moment the initial release of this will allow you to purchase Scrolls from a specialist shop added to Calmere, which allows them to be put back into the game after we removed their initial inflow point as rare drops. Later we intend to allow you to use S-Coins to purchase hard to find or even super rare items such as crowns, pirate keys, birthday items from years gone by or even things like maps in bottles. No longer shall players suffer never being able to see these items from Syrnia history! Now you too can potentially own Big Pirate Keys or M2H's crown! Those who say you've Never had a dream come true of owning these? Now you can!

Assuming the initial release goes well we intend to expand the features available through these S-Coins over several months. Planned future options include but are not limited to:

  • Level boosts (numbers as yet unconfirmed) allowing players to trade their coins for a one time boost of several million xp in their chosen skill.
  • Experience bonuses for those who want to earn their experience faster.
  • Unlock easier versions of current bosses with reduced health, damage, removed item breaks and double XP
  • Enhanced Combat options including auto-consumption of most efficient food whenever you lose health, or automatic reequip of the most effective weapons/armour for your encounter.
  • Access to a special unmoderated Syrnia Pro-Supporters Chat channel with additional features such as emotes, font options etc.

Other features will also be added as this concept develops. We'd like to thank you all for your patience while we had been quietly brewing up this idea for Skill 17 and the new items, and apologise for those of you who have been jarred by the Scrolls so we hope this next iteration of the concept will reassure you we have the games best interests in mind!

10-03-2021 Keep Scrollin', Scrollin', Scrollin', Scrollin', yeah!

Keep Scrollin', Scrollin', Scrollin', Scrollin' (yeah)

Following on from our observation of scroll mechanics over several months, we are deploying a small update to the drop rates for these items. As previously stated in the Syrnia News, there are limits on the number of scrolls which a player can receive which are limited on a per scroll basis. We can confirm this limit is now being removed for most of them with the exception of Scroll of the Palace which will be reviewed at a later date. We are also changing the drop rate of additional scrolls after the first. Please note that the initial drop rate of all scrolls has not been changed, nor have we changed anything else about the rest of the rare drop mechanics. So some of you will still be getting squirrels...not sorry.

Instead, if a player has already received a particular scroll, they are now eligible to receive additional scrolls of that type but at a reduced drop rate for all consecutive ones. For example, and please note these numbers are for illustrative purposes only and NOT accurate values or ratios:

If a player has a 1/1000 chance of receiving a Scroll of the Hidden Mine from an action and then receive one, their chances of receiving a second Scroll of the Hidden Mine is now reduced to 1/2000. Their chance of a third scroll will again be 1/2000, and the fourth, fifth and so on...

The intent of this is to increase the volume of them in the game slightly but also allow those who have lost or sold their first one to get another one eventually and re-access this content. While we appreciate some concern on the concept of Scrolls, we can assure you that the team are continuously observing this mechanic and we will not rule out further adjustments as time goes on and we thank you for your patience and working with us while this content is developed.

11-02-2021 Anders used "Upgrade", it's super effective!

Anders used "Upgrade", it's Super Effective!

Since their release a few months ago, we've been observing the interest in the new Bosses and their engagement and are pleased by their reception on the whole. We recognise there were a few small *ahem* oversights early in the process but we appreciate your patience as a community for sticking with us on this and agreeing to work with us while we make them suitable to form a lasting part of Syrnia.

We are aware some of them are a little too easy and their experience reward is rather high, something we took onboard and needed a good few months to try and adjust, so we are grateful for your continued patience.

Since their release there have been a number of changes to the first four Bosses (Emma, Antha, Karkinos and Anders) which have been covered briefly in patch notes however to summarise the changes so far before we introduce what we expect should put them in a good place:

  • Bosses gained a lot more health and their stats were substantially increased to make them a slightly more daunting target.
  • Their rewards were a little too generous on release, we're blaming Halloween Ghosts and Gremlins messing with the database which have now been chased away, and rewards have been substantially reduced.
  • Abilities were changed, some of them weren't quite hitting people hard enough. Bosses just weren't that challenging, so we sent all four of them back to Boss school and taught them some new tricks.

In the next update scheduled to release in the next few days, we are amending the bosses with a few further changes to toughen them up a little more and get them catching out players trying to be too sneaky. While we wont say what will be changed, as a general rule if a boss destroys your equipment you probably should replace it and try to use appropriate equipment. There's a reason why they break the gear they choose to break, and it is recommended players keep themselves equipped as best they can or these bosses will catch you out for that. In addition we are also raising their health and damage profiles of all abilities and reducing their experience further following that feedback from players. Players will find that Bosses average damage has increased as well as some of their maximum damage levels in some cases. By and large the CL 100 guideline does remain appropriate for the Level 1 bosses although this is dependent upon the right skills as well as items and is only a guideline.

We can confirm though that Emma will remain as she is, she remains the introduction to Boss combat and her effective combat ability is still aimed at players of at least CL 60. We have however adjusted her combat ability slightly, her default attack will now be more effective against those of a much higher CL just in case, although this is more likely to affect those of treble digit combat levels.

Anders does deserve a special mention in all this, his damage and stats will be raised significantly to make him worthy of being a higher tier boss, so many of you who have defeated him previously should be careful...he's gotten wise to some of your techniques now!

Following these updates, the team does not anticipate any major balance changes to the current four and we believe they are in a better place compared to where we were at release. While we may make individual minor adjustments to them now and then to fix problems, they should be remaining how they are for quite some time!
*Knocks on the Ancient Wood desk for luck*

(Whoops, shouldn't mention those. Spoilers)

We would like to wrap up this news post by thanking players for providing your constructive feedback in this process on how to improve them and many of the suggestions have been taken on board and will be reviewed. We would also like to especially thank those players who were consulted directly by development staff for their insight on this content post release (you know who you are), your input has been greatly welcome in shaping this content and we appreciate your time on this.

31-10-2020 A new challenger appears!

A new challenger appears!

For some time now, many of you may have been helping to fund the Rima University, wondering what exactly it was you were helping towards. Well, now we can reveal exactly where some of your hard earned gold has been going.

Introducing Emma

Emma, a renowned lecturer at the University has been spending her time since Calmere was discovered, studying new creatures that appeared throughout the Syrnian region called Bosses. She has collected extensive knowledge of these creatures down in the University Archives but isn't quite able to defeat them herself to get a little more information, this is where you come in...

Anyone wishing to start encountering Bosses will need to find Emma and pass her initiation test, although be warned this isn't an easy fight in itself. Players are advised to have at least CL 60 just to defeat her and it is recommended to bring friends along. Once she has been defeated at least once, others will become available for you to encounter.

A New Challenge

Bosses represent an evolution in combat. Designed as encounters for larger groups of strong players, these enemies have plenty of health, can hit extremely hard and have access to abilities never before observed on any creature throughout Syrnia. Underestimate them at your peril as they can deal high amounts of damage to those unprepared or damage, even destroy some of your equipment with devastating strikes. However there are ways to protect yourself against these creatures and their abilities, and with the right skills or even equipment you may find them not quite so troubling...

Note that others within this update require much higher levels, it is suggested to be around CL 100 before encountering others after defeating Emma although survival is still not guaranteed even with that...

The locations of these Bosses are hidden in new places throughout the game world and unless you have completed the initiation quest, you will not be able to encounter them.

Risks and Reward

For all of the damage that these creatures can inflict, the rewards in terms of experience and loot is potentially great. With possibilities of high tier resources, gemstones and rare equipment up for grabs, they should prove an enticing foe. Each boss also has a slim chance of dropping a collectable item unique to them. Consider it a trophy to prove you have been able to defeat them!

A final note

Please be advised that while these Bosses have undergone development testing to ensure they are functional for players as well as challenging, their statistics as well as their rewards is still subject to review and will be monitored closely after release. As stated these creatures are extremely strong to those unprepared and some can do damage in excess of three digits.

The Syrnia Development team will continue to review and may update these opponents after release, including their rewards or abilities based on player feedback. We also plan to continue to work on new Bosses as the game develops with potentially even more unexpected mechanics to them in other new places.

We hope you will find them as challenging and fun to encounter as it was to design them.

21-10-2020 Scrolls and Rare Drops

Scrolls and Rare Drops

Since their addition several months ago, the mysterious scrolls from Calmere have been a source of intrigue among the community over what they do, how to get them and all that. Initially it was decided to keep the specifics out of public knowledge as best as possible so that those wanting to experience this for themselves are allowed to do so without fear of spoilers. This also gives players a chance to try and piece this together themselves. However now we are towards a point where it is becoming beneficial to start releasing details to combat any potential disinformation or concern among the community as well as prepare for future content.

In terms of how they work and their functions, this has already been explored and discovered by the community so will not be covered in this topic.

Rare Drop Skills

We can confirm that Scrolls are part of a mechanic termed as a "rare drops". This differs from any existing skill or combat drop and follows entirely new mechanics. As the name suggests, the chances of receiving any of these is rather low. A player can be eligible for a rare drop when they are performing any of the following skill actions:

  • Combat
  • Cooking
  • Fishing
  • Mining
  • Smelting
  • Walking
  • Woodcutting

At present, rare drops are being used for items such as Scrolls and Squirrels but were previously used for Calmere maps in bottles that were provided prior to its launch and may be used for more items as the game develops. We are not publishing the specific drop figures for these items not least since it is still under constant review however needless to say they are difficult to acquire.

Receiving a Rare Drop

When the code determines a player is eligible to receive a rare drop a check is made against each option in the list to see which item the player receives. Some items on the list have a higher weighting than others and are therefore more likely to appear. These checks of whether a player is able to receive a rare drop are irregular to avoid unnecessary calls on the database and we are choosing not to release the specifics behind this. On average though it is expected a player could get a chance at any rare item every few days. However this may be adjusted in due course and may be changed on a per item basis but will continue to be reviewed by the team as necessary.

Limits and restrictions

We can also confirm that there are currently some limits set on players, limiting the number of certain rare drops that can be acquired although we intend to review this as the game progresses and may adjust or remove limits accordingly. This mechanic may also be applied to future rare drop items as the game develops.

We hope that this will clear up some of the confusion on this topic and the Syrnian Development team would like to reassure you that concerns are being listened to and we continue to observe and modify as necessary. The implementation of rare drops and scrolls has been designed carefully within the team and there are further plans for this which are taking time to develop, so while we appreciate some players are concerned, this is still a work in progress and we hope you will continue to explore and enjoy the game.

07-07-2020 Day/Night, New Work Images, Squirrels, and an Update on Scrolls

Day/Night System and New Work Images!

To help Syrnia feel more alive, we've created a day/night system in-game, including new work images for most actions.

Nighttime runs from 19:00-05:59, and daytime runs from 06:00-18:59.

During nighttime, all applicable work images appear as their night variants, and vice versa for the duration of daytime. However, since mining is a main gathering skill but takes place in a mine and is therefore unaffected by sunlight, we've created unique work images for mining each ore.

We hope to add some specific functionality in the future that depends on the time of day, but for now, we've created a small quest at Bidou docks introducing the function.

We've added a clock to the right of the "report" link under the chat that displays the current time in-game, down to the second.

Pet Your Pets?!

You can now interact with your pets by clicking on them in your inventory, and a new pet is now dropping Syrnia-wide.

The Hot Topic.

To touch on scrolls: over time since the release of Calmere, we have monitored the drop rates of the scrolls and tweaked them by a decent bit. We know scrolls have been very controversial; we want them to have a place in the game in their current state, but make them more accessible to other players over time. Apart from having been tweaked over time, global rare drops, such as scrolls, can now be found while cooking, smelting, as well as while walking. These rare drops also have a higher drop rate in the Outlands.

21-5-2020 Squashing Calmere Bugs

We've been working hard on fixing any bugs that have reared their ugly heads since the release of Calmere Island yesterday. Most that have been reported are no longer issues. Thank you to the community for reporting them, and don't forget to report any future bugs, should they arise.

Many of you noted that the link for "create magic item" was appearing, but there were no items to be made upon clicking the link. We've properly implemented a magic item to Rima City University, so go check it out!

We are thrilled with the feedback for Calmere Island, and we hope it continues to bring the joy that it has over the past day.

20-5-2020 Calmere Island Launch!

Calmere Island

Calmere Island Map

Ever since October, 2019, the world of Syrnia has been seeing some small updates to the game, as well as unique, one-off events during holidays. This has been nice, as for a long time, throughout many different periods of Syrnia's history, Syrnia has gone through long dry spells of nothing new happening within the world.

However, the winds of change are blowing once again. Borneo's small team of coders, who have been bringing these small updates, are very proud to finally release Calmere Island. Anasco being the last actual island to have been released back in 2009, we have been very excited to put some real effort over the past few months into creating something that will ultimately benefit Syrnia in a plethora of ways, filling in some gaps and bringing some other unique content.

Bottles? What Bottles?

A few days before Calmere's release, six new types of creatures began to invade the known islands of Syrnia, apparently coming from another land. Very quickly, someone thought to check the map files and found the newly uploaded Calmere map. Once these invasions began, so did the dropping of a mysterious bottle containing a Calmere Island Map! This "Map in a bottle" drop was extremely rare, and it only dropped from Mining, Woodcutting, and Fishing actions, as well as combat. Calmere's release was dependent upon all maps being recovered. We hope the community found this more enjoyable than simply finding a few maps laying around on the ground!

Yo, New Quests?

Who doesn't love a good quest? Syrnia doesn't have enough of them, so Calmere Island comes boasting four new quests. Some are fairly easy and can be completed by most players, whereas one is a good bit tougher than average and could pave the way for some really important future content.

Okay? What About Calmere Skilling? Combat?

There will be much to do on Calmere regarding skilling and combat. Unlike Anasco, which focused solely on the highest tiers of gameplay, Calmere seeks to bridge some gaps in skilling and combat, being a conglomeration of low, middle, and high-level content. There is a focus on combat, but the island has a little something for every kind of player! This news post will not spoil anything further, as we want players to explore Calmere and enjoy its secrets as they are discovered in real time.

Ew, Bugs?

Bugs come around, no matter how hard we try to smash them. Calmere went through extensive testing to ensure that it was as bug-free as possible, but sometimes, things are simply missed. If you happen to find anything that you might think is a bug, please contact the staff via the ticket system and wait for it to be handled. We must ask you to not post any bugs publically in any way, as we do not want anything new to be abused.

Calmere Island was a work of love from people who very much enjoy Syrnia and want it to still grow and thrive over fifteen years after its conception. There was great time and effort put into this island in particular. Calmere is a bit different than the other islands, but as to why this is the case will be revealed in time...

What are these mutterings I've been hearing about the pirates recently?!

Firstly, this is NOT an update to the pirates. However, we noticed this weekend that a new Pirate Captain has risen up and been selected to reign due to something that has long been in the code that selects the third person in the -fame list if the Captaincy attempts to switch to a player who has been inactive for a certain period of time. It has been a while since the game has seen a good, ol' fashioned pirate invasion. A big congratulations to the pirates! We hope this will bring back a part of the game that has been missing for so long.

We are thankful for all of you who are still playing Syrnia, and we look forward to bringing this fantastic community and world more updates in the near future. Calmere is only the beginning...

Kind Regards and Hearty Cheers from Syrnia's Staff and Dev Team.

10-04-2020 Easter Additions 2020

Happy Easter to everyone!

We are kicking this year off with a bang as we welcome in this holiday with a bunch of new additions.

Firstly we welcome a good read this year as The Legendarium features an all new magical story to commemorate the new things coming this easter.

The Rose gate Event should keep you entertained as well so make sure you speed on over to check it out.

With Easter we have decided to add some new creatures this year, the Easter Gnome has brought some friends along for the party make sure you check them out and keep hunting for those eggs and goodies.

What will the chase NPC be this year? we have created a theme this year and gone for a Magical time, we hope you have a wonderful Easter and make sure you keep an eye out for all the new things and more

So once again enjoy the holiday this year Happy easter to all of you from us at the Syrnia Dev team.

13-03-2020 Tutorial Island Overhaul 2020

October 12th, 2006: Tutorial Island was added to Syrnia.

Since then, apart from some very basic changes to improve the experience of new players, the Tutorial has remained virtually unchanged.

We believe the Tutorial is of the utmost importance to Syrnia, as it is essentially the first real impression of the game that any and all new players receive.

Recently, some of the dev team have been working to overhaul the Tutorial and to simply make it a better-written, more comprehensible experience for every newbie who enters our world for the very first time.

Today, after almost 14 years, a new and improved Tutorial Island has been added to Syrnia.

We are thrilled to have finally finished this, and we hope it only changes Syrnia for the better. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the process.

To keep existing players from getting themselves banned by making new accounts to see the new Tutorial, Pendragon has graciously filmed a walkthrough video from the beginning to the end of our updated Tutorial:

05-03-2020 Syrnias 15th Birthday

15 years ago, a young, aspiring video game designer wanted to create an RPG. However, at the time, there were no real text-based RPGs with a working inventory system. As a joke, he drew up a very basic layout for what his game would look like, and showed it to some friends. They liked it, which spurred him forward to create a second, much more polished sketch of the game. He ran a one-week beta and, during that period, came up with the name "Syrnia".

Syrnia was officially launched on March 5th, 2005, with about 100 members in its first three or four days.

Since then, we have seen 15 years of growth and change. 15 years with so many thousands of players come and gone. We've lived through the exciting periods of new updates and new features being added every few months, to some quieter periods when we simply enjoyed the community and what the game has already given us. We've lost players to the harsh realities of life outside of our little world, and we've gained friendships that will last a lifetime.


Happy 15th birthday, Syrnia!

During this day of celebration, Castle Rose has opened its apiary fields to the Syrnian community, allowing us to partake in the delicious joys of honey and beekeeping. Players can search the hives for Beeswax to turn into Candles, which can be used to bake 15th Birthday Cakes at Rose Gates!

While searching through the beehives, players might find some tasty chunks of Honeycomb to enjoy, and some lucky players might even find a little friend to take with them on their journeys!

Invasions will run throughout the day, as well as some combination chests. We might even see a return of the Jesters from last year's birthday.

Mike (M2H) started something small back in 2005 that has lived on for 15 years, and will hopefully continue for long after this post was written. To M2H and Borneo, as well as the many players who have helped make Syrnia what it is throughout the years: thank you. And thank you to the community for sticking strong throughout the ups and downs of the past decade and a half. This game truly would not still exist without you. You are all appreciated more than you know.

Kind Regards - Syrnia Staff

24-12-2019 Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019

A quick Recap and thank you.

The year of 2019 has seen a lot of special treats and we couldn't be more pleased
with the amount of support the community has displayed.

- We have seen the game becoming more secure with the transfer to https
- We got the chance to try out a new style of event for Halloween
- We received a much needed filler for the lovely fishing zones
- A complete finish to the "Anasco Speed suit"
- A new boat for constructions which is just as speedy as the bald eagle boots
- The oppourtunity to bring back the Battle mage player event along with a few tweaks

These are just a few of the updates mentioned above however there is a lot that goes on behind the scense for staff and updates that the players will not necessarily see or notice. A lot of time has gone into reworking the games core for future projects and even though we may seem to go a little while without seeing anything big or new please keep in mind that in order to move forward you sometimes have to take a step backwards. With that being said we really do hope you have enjoyed the updates and new content thus far.

Christmas Treats!

The Christmas Holiday has always been a very awesome and over powering event as It's the final celebration of the year. This year will not see much of a change from last years or previous events when it comes to chasing. That being said, we do have a few new treats.

Instead of just flat out giving away all the info freely. This year you will have to figure out where the updates are hidden and what there is to do. We really do wish you the best of luck!

Instead of an over powering event handing out lots of little treats we did decide to go a different route for the new content by maybe giving players a bit more of a challenge to find some "rare" loot.

Hopefully with a lot of hard "work" you will be lucky enough to come across something that we thought was pretty neat.

Kind Regards - Syrnia Staff

04-12-2019 SSL Certificate

Our lovely coder has made Syrnia a more secure site by adding an SSL certificate. The https is enforced, which means if you go to http you will end up at on the https site.

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