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Forum -> Feedback -> Additional SH feature

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05-05-2024 14:28


Had a question from a clannie today that made me think. Turns out a feature i assumed was available isnt, regarding stock houses and the management of them.

He was asking if there was a way for people to see/search the availability of an item in stock house logs.

There is. But you do need full rights to use this function.

Wouldnt it be reasonable to have that available to clannies who don't have those full rights.

Like a sort of inbetween "no sh right" and "full sh rights".

Yes i am aware this is a small issue in the grander scheme called Syrnia. But it got me thinking was all.
Proud Leader of TLO

manducare primum, cogitare post

"My people skills are fine, it's my tolerance of idiots that needs a little more work*
Mr. Addy
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05-05-2024 16:11

I approve!
05-05-2024 16:34

This would be great.
Proud leader of Squeaky Clean

Our mouths are clean, our hands are dirty!

Fortune favors the bold.
05-05-2024 17:50

McLovin killed you at The Outlands 66.

lilsweetheart tried to thieve you at Beset, but was caught on the crime scene and has been sent to jail for 150 seconds.
Dark Nero
06-05-2024 15:20

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Forum -> Feedback -> Additional SH feature

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